Thursday, February 12, 2015

Fluency (Due by Feb. 19, 5 p.m.)

Give an example of a skill that students in K-12 need to be fluent (quick and accurate) in doing. 

(Select a skill other than math facts!)
  • What are the subskills needed to be fluent in the skill you identified? 
  • Why is this a skill that needs to be fluent. 
  • What problems could it cause if the student is not fluent in the skill.


  1. A skill that students in grades k-12 need to be fluent in is reading. The sub skills that would be appropriate are identifying letters, decoding letter sounds, vocabulary and comprehension. Fluency in reading is imperative to all students because every subject that is offered in school requires reading. Therefore the student should have all of the requisite sub-skills in order to be fluent in reading. Education is centered around reading the student must be able to read text and comprehend the material read. If a student is not fluent in this skill then their success education/life will be challenging. Other than respect for peers this is the first skill a young learner has to excel in.

    1. I agree completely Nate! I think that being able to read is an important skill for everyone to have, not just students K-12.

    2. I also agree with Nate because when I think of fluency reading is the first subject that comes to mind. Reading is very important for students at any age.

    3. I also agree with you Nate. I think it is necessary for a student to first become fluent in reading in order for them to succeed in other subject areas. This is one of the first but most vital skills that students learn.

  2. A skill that students need to be fluent in is spelling. Some of the subskills that are required in being fluent in spelling are being able to identify letters, knowing the correct pronunciation of letters, and being able to put the letters in the correct order. Fluency in spelling is important because you will not always have technology to be able to autocorrect the words you are using for you. There have been more than several occasions where I have had to write an essay or short response answers rather than typing them. It is important to be able to spell words correctly and in a timely manner. This makes a person look more educated. If a student is not fluent in spelling it could cause them to fail a test. For example, a large portion of standardized tests consist of writing an essay by hand. If a student is unable to complete this task it could cause them to fail that test or possible class.

    1. Aymee,
      I agree that spelling is a good skill to be fluent at because it can also help strengthen your reading skills. Also, I like what you said about not always relying on technology because I think we have been to dependent on technology to correct our spelling.

    2. I agree that spelling is a skill that needs to be fluent. We use spelling in our everyday life. Since we do rely on technology so much especially when spelling, autocorrect has allowed us to fix the mistake with out allowing us to learn from the error we have made.

    3. I also agree that spelling is extremely important thing to be fluent in. Knowing how to correctly spell is a way we can communicate with others. Knowing how to spell is another way you can become more fluent in reading.

  3. Along with reading children learn to numbers and develop math skills. Students need to be fluent in their math skills as well. They need to be able to understand place values and number of operations. The subskills are counting, adding, subtracting, and dividing.This skill is important be children will need to learn arithmetic in real life. They will need to be able to handle money, time, mental math and reasoning. Students who do not learn proper math skills may develop deficits in school and other subjects. They may also develop memory and attention problems.

    1. I completely agree. Math skills are crucial to be fluent in for students. To first be fluent in mathematics the student must learn the sub skill of the place value. I agree!

    2. I completely agree with your response. fluency in the various mad skills should be required and maintained by all students.all students will eventually have to utilize the skills later in life in order to be successful.

    3. I completely agree with your response. fluency in the various mad skills should be required and maintained by all students.all students will eventually have to utilize the skills later in life in order to be successful.

  4. An important skill for students to be fluent in is reading. I was told when I was learning how to read that reading is one of the most important skills you can learn because it is in almost everything you do. If you think about it, it is very hard to do a task if you are unable to read either the directions, street signs, food labels. Reading is an important skill to master and it is important for students to be fluent in reading so that they are able to understand what they are reading as well as do it in a timely manner.

    1. I agree that reading is important to be fluent in, and that it is one of the most important skills that students need to learn. It's hard to go about your day without difficulty if a student doesn't have fluent reading skills.

    2. I completely agree! Reading is done in so many more places than just the classroom! It is super important for students to be able to understand what they're reading in a timely manner!

  5. A skill that a student needs to be fluent in is in their reading. If a student doesn't have fluent reading, then others may have difficulty understanding what they are reading, if they are reading out loud. They may also just have difficulty following along when reading something to themselves. If they can't keep up with what they are reading to themselves then they can't absorb the information. Most importantly reading is used everyday. Without being able to read fluently students would have many setbacks just in trying to get around in everyday tasks. For example, reading food labels, cards when playing games, books, and anything else that may contain words that they would encounter, and just trying to get many things done in a timely manner. The sub-skills that are needed to be fluent in reading are alphabet awareness, knowing the sounds of the letters that make up the words, and word comprehension. Without these fluent reading skills, the student would encounter many set backs and frustrations.

  6. I think an important skill for students to be fluent in is reading. Students use reading for every subject whether it be reading a story in social studies or reading word problems in math. It is important for students to be able to fluently read because they encounter reading everyday in many different places. Whether it be reading the morning work directions on the board to reading the directions on a box of cookies. Subskills that would be necessary is letter sounds, vocabulary and comprehension. Teachers can help students by using sight words in order for students to recognize words and be able to quickly understand them and also working with vocabulary so students can understand as they go. If students weren't fluent in reading, they would struggle with everyday learning and understanding in and outside the classroom. It’s important for students in order to read quickly and understand what they’re reading.

    1. I agree Kati! Reading is very important in being an independent individual! Being able to read items like news alerts and warning labels. Not only are those necessary in life, but will also keep you safe!


  7. A skill that students need to be fluent in is speaking the English language. The subskills needed to be fluent in speaking the English language would be identifying and understanding the given word. You also should be able to say the word correctly as well as using it in a sentence. This is a skill that needs to be fluent, because it is one we use everyday. Communicating is the only way we can express ourselves and get what is needed. For a student that is not fluent in this particular skill it could affect their everyday life at home and school making simple daily task would be more difficult to complete.

    1. I agree. Mastery of the English language and its mechanics is imperative for effective communication.

    2. Excellent. Many people jump straight into reading or writing, when truly a child needs to be able to properly communicate.

  8. Reading is skill that students K-1 need to be fluent in. It is vital for a student to be fluent in this skill in order for them to be fluent in other skills in the language arts content area such as writing, representing, and possible speaking. I think the skills reading and speaking go hand and hand because if you cannot speak it may be difficult for you to read and if you cannot read effectively, it may be hard for you to accurately verbalize what you are trying to say. If a student is not fluent in reading, it will easily spill over to other content areas. A student that is not fluent in reading will also struggle with math word problems, reading science labs, social studies books etc. Reading, writing, and speaking are some of the most basic but most vital skills used from Pre-K and in the rest of our life. It will become increasingly difficult for students not fluent in reading to complete work and even daily tasks outside of school.

  9. I would say a skill that is necessary to be fluent in as a K-12 student is reading. Comprehension, knowing the sounds of individual letters and letter grouping, and knowing sight words are all sub skills of reading that is necessary in order to be fluent in reading. Reading is necessary because people read various things every day: menu items, traffic signs, warning labels, news alerts, etc. You need to be able to read those to be independent. If an individual cannot read, they will not be truly independent and could potentially put their lives in danger if they mix up containers because they don't know what the contents are inside. They cannot effectively live a normal daily life. This is why reading is such an important skill to be fluent in for students K-12!

    1. I'm glad you touched on things outside of school. Because reading is something that we will be doing for the rest of our lives. Reading is in everyday life, not just something we need to succeed in school.

  10. A skill a child should be fluent in is reading. Reading is in almost everything thing we do in society. Regardless if it has to do with school or not. When a child is young it is important to teach them the basic skills that go along with reading. If a child can master the basic skills of sounding out letters or knowing what each letter represents in a word they will become fluent in reading. I know when I was growing up I had trouble when it came to reading and It did effect me later in life. It is important to be fluent in reading from grades k-12 so no child has to struggle later on.

  11. Although reading is a critical skill for students K-12 need to be fluent, I feel that another imperative area for fluency is money management. being fluent in money breaks off into the abilities to be quick and accurate when adding or subtracting money and to be able identify money and their values (the United States is one of the only country to not put a quantitative value on their coins. It can make it very difficult for an individual with an intellectual disability to accurate differentiate between coins). Being fluent in how to manage money is critical because nearly all doors in the working world (whether an individual is still in school or not) close without being fluent in money. Being able to quickly quantitate values can make the difference between being swindled or successful. If an individual is not fluent in this area they can become prey to predators seeking out vulnerable individuals to take advantage of, will be unable to become hired, and will continue to struggle in social situations throughout their life.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This is great. Money Management is something that people do not think about when it comes to fluency. I have worked with a student who was in the 6th grade who did not know how to use money, paper or coin. This is a skill that all people need in order to participate in society effectively. Way to think out of the box here, and choose something that none of us thought about, but is just as important. Good job!

  12. Writing is a skill that I believe students should be fluent in. Writing plays such a huge part in the educational process. In order to be fluent in writing, students should be fluent in spelling, handwritings, grammar, and punctuation. This is a skill that needs to be fluent in because, like reading, we write in every aspect of academics. Whether it be science, math reasoning, history, or any other subject, we write about things. We are required to write to express ideas, points of view, and answer questions criticality. If a student was not fluent in writing, it would most likely cause a deficit in almost all other areas as well. Along with reading, which a lot of people chose to write about in the blog, writing is just as important as it relates to academic success.

  13. Spelling is something that students should be fluent in. This goes hand in hand with reading and writing. In order for students to spell easily they have to know certain sounds that letters make together such as the silent K sounds, the double O sounds, and what "CH" sounds like. Spelling is something they people use in everyday life. They will use spelling, reading, and writing all the time. It is not just limited to academics. They will use this skill with writing letters, doing homework, reading books, and even reading a recipe. The list of things that knowing how to spell will help with is endless in the real world. If someone doesn't become fluent with spelling they could suffer, not only academically, but with life outside of this. Like I said above, there are tons of things that spelling is required for and if someone doesn't know how to spell they will never learn how to read or write those words. It is like a domino effect.

  14. I believe that it is crucial for students to have the skills to be fluent in mathematics. The subskills would be the understanding of how our counting is done in the bases of tens, the understanding of the place value and from there they can begin to learn the basics of addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. If you can master those skills the student can then start to learn harder concepts such as long division, adding and subtracting money, doing taxes, and even things such as understanding odds. It is important for students to understand and have fluency in mathematics because math is something we use in every single subject in school, even in science class! Math skills are truly something you will use till the day you die, rather that be driving and understanding speed limits or cooking and using math to bake or cook. If you have fluency in this skill it will make going about your day so much easier!

  15. A necessary skill for children (grades K-12) is to be fluent in is their ability to read. The ability for a child to achieve fluency in reading is essential due to all subjects requiring reading (instructions/directions, identification, etc…). Sub-skills for reading include identifying letters, decoding sounds, building vocabulary, and comprehension of the material that is being read.
    A child’s education is focused on their ability to read text and build a comprehension of the material they are reading, this is the cornerstone into furthering their education. If a child is unable to produce a fluency in their ability to read and comprehend, their educational success will be severely delayed until they are able to build this skill-set. A child lacking in their reading fluency will be unable to follow along to a teacher's written instructions, unable to understand/identify with a book at story time, unable to follow instructions for games when playing with other students. These skill sets listed previously are all very basic, but will transcend into not being able to read food labels, street signs, and anything that is not spoken will cause severe delay in understanding and correct comprehension in their daily routine.
