Friday, April 3, 2015

Multimedia Tools

Think of how multimedia tool(s) (e.g., PhotoBooth, QuickTime Player, Garage Band, iMovie, or any other multimedia tool that you have used) can be beneficial to students with disabilities in the instructional settings. 

Please (1) choose a multimedia tool, and describe (2) the student (grade, disability, etc.), (3) the subject area and specific skill(s) that you would teach, & (4) how the multimedia tool(s) that you chose can "specifically"help the student who has previously struggled without the multimedia tool(s).

Please be noted that you need to make 1 comment and 1 reply to others' comments.


  1. The tool that I would use is IMovie. The student has a learning disability and has no interest in his school work but is a huge basketball fan. The teacher gives the class an assignment where they have to write a paper and make a video about any subject of their liking. (7th grade English class). This would allow the student do an assignment that he cares about, The student would learn more about technology and how to use it as well as being able to do a project in which he gets to pick the subject.

    1. This is a great idea! I think a student with a learning disability would really enjoy using something on the computer other then Microsoft to make a project.

    2. I like this idea! The student would really enjoy being able to use technology in order to do an assignment over a topic they actually care about.

    3. That is a reaally good idea. I think iMovie should be used more !

  2. The tool that I have chosen to use is Garage band. This particular student has a moderate disability but still needs assistance. This student is extremely interested in music but has very low interest in school. The grade level of this student is 6th grade, and the assignment that the teacher will give out is to make a time line on the 20th century. I would encourage the student to make a timeline of the greatest hits of music through out the 20th century using garage band. This would not only keep this student engaged in the assignment, it would also give the student knowledge of a new topic and knowledge of how to use technology on garage band and what it has to offer.

  3. The tool I would use is iMovie. The student is in 5th grade and has a learning disability which makes it very difficult to write papers without assistance. The teacher has asked the class to put together a project that includes a paper describing what they did over the summer with pictures/souvenirs. By using iMovie the student will be able to add their pictures, include text, and music in order to make their project. The student will be able to do this without worrying about writing as much since he can use spellcheck on the computer. iMovie will be a great tool to use since it has so many functions all in the same app.

    1. Jazzmine, I think this is a great idea and can help take some of the stress off the student so they do not feel like they can not do something!

    2. I think that this is a great idea! IMovie is a great way for students to use technology

  4. The tool I would use is IMovie. The student is in the 7th grade and has a speech disorder. The teacher asked the class to put together a presentation about something they liked to do. The students would then present their work to the class. By using IMovie, The student would be able to do the presentation but not have to speak in front of the class. The student would be able to work on the computer just like the other students but also be able to present with out worrying about their disability. I think IMovie would be a great tool because the student could use their creativity to create something that was unique to them.

    1. This is a great solution to overcome and level the playing field for the student's speech disorder. This is also a very creative way to get all the teacher's students involved in a project.

  5. The tool I would use would be iMovie. The student is in middleschool and has a learning disability. The student’s learning disability makes it difficult for them to complete papers that include correct grammar and organization in particular. The student also has a more difficult time putting their thoughts on paper. Since the student can use iMovie they can make something that is interesting to watch and fun to complete. iMovie will allow the student to use pictures and sound to complete the assignment. The student will not have to worry as much about the grammar or organization as they would in a paper.

    1. I like your idea to use iMovie. This can really help the students create a fun and interactive way that will help them understand how to write a paper.

  6. The tool I would use is photo booth and quick time play. I would use these tools in an LBD elementary classroom (ADHD, and ODD 3rd and 4th grade). I would model for the students how to line up whenever the class needed to leave the classroom. I could also use these tools to demonstrate how to walk in the hallways appropriately and the proper procedures for returning to the classroom from the hallway. Lastly, I could use the multimedia tools to model how a student could start and maintain a conversation with their peers. These tools would be very beneficial especially when paired with instruction and actual demonstration. With these tools the students would be fully engaged and would be learning in a different way.

    1. These are great ways for you to use these tools in the classrooms. This is also a good way to introduce the tools to the students so they can learn how to use them accomplishing homework or participating in creative ways.

    2. I agree. This is a good way to use for students with and without disabilities. I would definitely use tools like this the same way for students.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. One multimedia tool that can be beneficial to students with disabilities in the instructional settings is GarageBand. A student who may be deaf or hard of hearing in elementary school (example, 3rd grade) can use this tool to learn how to differentiate one voice from another. A teacher could download a story podcast to the student's iPad, where the student can access the story. The student can also begin to understand how loud things sound with the audio wave file. This is a great way for a student to participate during literature time, for following along with the story, etc. This could also help with the student who has a very soft speaking voice, with the GarageBand tools, you can raise the volume of the student and the student can also turn in oral reports this way for English class, on reporting on a summary of a book for the teacher.

    1. I like the fact that you mentioned that the student can turn in oral reports and other assignments using GarageBand. That's a great idea especially if the student gets really nervous speaking in from of people. I will probably provide that option to my students at some point. Great post!

  9. I would use the garage band to help students learn the elements of music. I would play the sounds and have students be able to show the elements of music. Students with disability will be able to see a word bank and listen to the music. The word bank can assist them by giving them an idea of which elements to use. This will be able to help them hear the sounds instead of learning the definition without the sound.

  10. A good multimedia tool to use is GarageBand. I like this tool because you can basically record and edit whole lectures or instructions and make them available for your students. If a student needs extra help with a unit or topic, he/she can revert back to the podcast with pictures and step-by-step directions and instructions. Lets say we have a 6th grade student who has ADHD and cannot seem to retain any information on the steps to complete 2 step equations. The mobile lecture created on GarageBand can help remind that student to complete an assignment leading up to the test. Students need reinforcement and this tool can reinforce the rules and steps for this topic.

  11. The tool that I would use is iMovie. I would use this tool with students that are in 5th grade and have a learning disability. I would use iMovie to have a fun and interesting way for the students to learn a new math problem that makes sense to them and is user friendly. The student would be able to watch the video to learn how to do the math problem by learning it through a character or using something that they love, which would make it more appealing to the student. For example if they loved spider-man, you could incorporate spider-man to represent numbers in an addition problem. This would help gain the students attention rather then just a boring problem that wouldn't help them understand the content. Also if the student has just used the paper pencil route then using technology and their favorite character can really help them gain more interest in the subject.
