Friday, April 3, 2015

Multimedia Tools

Think of how multimedia tool(s) (e.g., PhotoBooth, QuickTime Player, Garage Band, iMovie, or any other multimedia tool that you have used) can be beneficial to students with disabilities in the instructional settings. 

Please (1) choose a multimedia tool, and describe (2) the student (grade, disability, etc.), (3) the subject area and specific skill(s) that you would teach, & (4) how the multimedia tool(s) that you chose can "specifically"help the student who has previously struggled without the multimedia tool(s).

Please be noted that you need to make 1 comment and 1 reply to others' comments.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Mental Model, Background Knowledge, & Video Anchor

Think of a time that you tried to understand, or you were trying to explain, something to someone, and a mental model, background knowledge, or a video anchor would have been useful to you. Include: 1) the situation, 2) what was said or read, 3) what made it difficult to comprehend, and 4) what would have aided you with either your comprehension or explanation.

Please see others comments first and avoid duplication. You need to (1) reply to 1 of your classmates' comments and (2) make your own comment. Be creative!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Anchored Instruction & Enhanced Anchored Instruction

Think of a specific skill that you want to teach. Identify the grade level, curriculum area, and the specific skill. Describe how this skill would be taught (1) procedurally (step by step), (2) with Anchored Instruction, and (3) with Enhanced Anchored Instruction. Be specific! Please read through the examples that others have given, and do not repeat the same skill.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Fluency (Due by Feb. 19, 5 p.m.)

Give an example of a skill that students in K-12 need to be fluent (quick and accurate) in doing. 

(Select a skill other than math facts!)
  • What are the subskills needed to be fluent in the skill you identified? 
  • Why is this a skill that needs to be fluent. 
  • What problems could it cause if the student is not fluent in the skill.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Welcome to EDS 514

Practice Post: Click on the comment link below and submit a definition of "technology". Please use your own language without using "technology".